Moving toward an age of revealing!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hard, Amazing, Perfect

The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, 
is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.
~Anna Quindlen

Swim 500yds

Warm up
20 Air squats
20M Crab walk
20 KB Swings
200M Row
20 Jumping pull ups

1-Arm Handstands

EMOTM 3 Backsquat @ 135

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
  • Bfly pull up
  • Box jump
  • GHD sit up

It has been a long time since I have had the lovely opportunity to leave my sweat angel in the box. It is not that I don't work hard! I generally walk off the work out or assume the hands on knees position. But today was a full collapse on to the floor in front of the glorious fan. I think the inside of the box was an easy 107 degrees and while this was a pretty sweet trio ... quick and dirty, it left my lungs screaming! A challenge to even get down water I took the opportunity to let my body figure it out.

I have decided that this is the cycle that I will bow out of. Listening to my body, I fully enjoyed my rest week. Family visiting, some short met cons tucked into the week and a full swim week (I keep forgetting to log these workouts!) on top of the crazy heatwave that has enveloped us. Decision good. This is always the week that 4 weeks on deck hit me physically. So, a good time to do a little cutting and rock that bathing suit. Enjoy a modified WOD schedule and get ready for Championships! I am going to add in the EKG Evolution into my routine and work on some additional flexibility, bodyweight strength and straighten out the midline in preparation for some early fall strength cycles. I like this plan ;)!

Sometimes you have to shake up the process. July begins that shake for me :).

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