Moving toward an age of revealing!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dedicated to a young athlete who left us too soon

"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey". -- Kenji Miyazawa (1896-1933)

I am dedicating my effort today to a young athlete from the Jr. Grizzly football team who passed away during practice yesterday. It is a difficult time one the divide for those whose lives have been touched. Please take a moment.

AMRAP - 15 min

5 Dumbbell Push jerk - barbell Rx 85# was good, but coach made me go DB which I could only hit 30# set
7 Box jumps 20"

17 rounds

Box time started out slow. I was tired again, ready for a nap, heard we were having a solar storm or flare. Does that really make things wierd?!

Wendler 5/3/1
Deadlift 3/3/11

R 400
10 Pull up
5 Push up
10 Walking lunges
10 Bar dips

100 sit ups for time 3:36

Special! Birthday reps
5 burpees - yeah burpees!
5x2 sit ups (yep more)
5 KB halos
5 800 R (of which I still owe Levi 4) - just wait until YOUR special day ;-)
5 muscle ups from Bruce ha ha - instead of dying today, will do 4/1 ratio of pull up to dips pre WOD

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