Moving toward an age of revealing!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hard and Fast

Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
~Susan Ertz
Shout out to my 'nutty fresh' who is on her adventure with the Age of Sail! Hard and fast, sweetie girl!
Thanks USCF for the inspiration for today's work. It was almost a second day off, but agenda's changed

10 DBL KB Clean&Squat (20# each only dbls available)
10 Pull up
10 Hang Power Cleans @ 65#
10 HSPU (still scaled, today it was 2 plates)

I was out of the box so a few factors changed the flow of the workout. Ran about 22 minutes and it was a brute. Mid way my forearms just blew up and really fatigued. Overall, happy the back door was open, my space was relatively clear and no one cares how much I talk to myself!

Primary 3

Continuing on with W30v5. 
For those following along Going Primal. It would be Day 1 for the group. Plan should be made and shopping should be underway.

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