Moving toward an age of revealing!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Just Row

Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. 
They're what make the instrument stretch - what make you go beyond the norm.

Thanks Kate! For some holiday fun with the Concept 2.
100,000 meters by December 24, 2011

Unable to get down the hill today for Tabata. It is just one of those wods that really needs to be done in the box, for intensity, if you are counting...looking forward to getting it done on Friday with Coach Patrick...still athlete's choice I hope.

I took to the blogs today to see how some of my favorite athlete's are moving ahead and working on those skills that are known goats. Well, Kate Rawlings always delivers. Rowing and a lot of it. Yes, I am already late in getting started, but hey! I am alive. Here are the answers to my moment of pondering:
  • Yes, I have never rowed more than 1,000meters before today. 
  • Yes,  I DO now have access to a rower both on the hill and in the box.
  • Yes, that is a long way to row. But now that the run/bike/swim portion of my year is over I can enjoy building some rowing skills. Comes out to about 3500 meters a day.
  • Yes, I am a little nervous about the volume, but as I have learned from CFEndurance, space it out, get it done. 
It isn't a race, it is just like the 10,000 KB Swing challenge. Neuro pathway programming. Cool!

Row 3500

I checked my time most of the way for tracking.
500 1:56
1000 4:06
2000 8:16
3500 14:26

Goat work (HSPU & MU)
Handstand Holds 3x30
Pull up 3x10
Dip 3x10
Mobility - watch the pressure on the shoulder

Wall Ball
KB Swing
Box Jump

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