Moving toward an age of revealing!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Trio Tracking

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each others life. ~ RICHARD BACH

Did I really sleep in? Yeah!

Feeling pretty beat up from Friday. Went one round of the following. I really felt like I needed to keep moving or I would stiffen up like crazy but 3 -5 full rounds would have flattened me!

Perform each mini circuit with no rest in between exercises and 1-2 minutes between circuits for set A, B, and C. Rest 30 seconds between each Happy Ending (HE) set.

A1: Sandbag Half Moon Snatch -  x 20
A2: Sandbag Half TGU -  x 10ES

B1: Side Handle Clean -  x 20
B2: Sandbag 360 -  x 10ES

C1: Sandbag Snatch -  x 20
C2: Sandbag Sit Up -  x 20

D1: Sandbag Squat Press -  x 20
D2: Sandbag Gladiator Hold  x 30sec ES

HE: Sandbag Shouldering - 4x60sec

Enjoyed my morning trail walk ;)! Nice morning upper body massage, really needed to work out the kinks from so much pulling since Wed. 

Bio-photon focus, no exercise allowed before scanning :( and long ride in the car. Still got in a little ditty after I got home.

5 RNDs
Suicide sprints on bball court - free throw/half/full whose idea was that?? hehehe
KB Snatch 5 R/L - getting in that endurance training for TSC.

A little volleyball bumping and practice right after.

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