Moving toward an age of revealing!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


The difference between failure and an 'experience' 
is the application of your efforts and your attitude going forward. ~

13.1 felt like EPIC FAILURE but I know this is a teachable moment ;) and I can take this experience forward

Thank you to Jeff, for watching and counting that painful experience. Oh yes and everyone else. I really meant to hear you, I just couldn't.

17 Min AMRAP

40 Burpees w/6 in overhead touch
30 Snatches 45#
30 Burpees
... and here is where we hit the wall, 75# snatches - zero 

Well, one I threw over my head behind me, then I got moved and 6 long minutes of miss, miss, miss, oh and one was up but not locked out. Ok. Tissy tantrum moment, put your big girl pants on and pretend that everyone who says good job really meant, wow you fucked up. Sure there is a win in there somewhere.

So total score 100 @10:20 - Done

I cried, I swore, I blew it off. There is really no place for emotion here. It is just a workout. One that I wasn't really concerned about, all places I have gone before, nothing too daunting, under my max snatch for 2nd set. Had a plan, I was suppose to be ready. All the work that I have put in over these last months.  Really?! I realize that have woken up for the last 3 days dog tired, but so what?! Well, that's what.

Time to rush back up the hill to get to the bball game. Last one before the tourney, important to be there for my girl and on time. I stopped and got a large coffee, put on some Almond/Vanilla lip balm and cranked up some Chopin. Kinda helped. Seriously, WTF?! Did that freakin' just happen. Where am I? Get outta my head. Way to evolve. 

I will say that I am so proud of my sis! She pulled a 130 on this wod and she has been working hard! I hope she did the dance ;). She earned it!

Unfortunately, the worst part is I feel like I got cheated out of a good wod. So a full on sweat box is on the docket for the evening and maybe some wine with the hubby.

Over and out.

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