Moving toward an age of revealing!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Not Your Average ...

So why do I and others around the world do what some people might consider
extremely foolish?  

Because we dare to challenge ourselves - and you should
dare to challenge yourself as well.
Stop being content with being average.

Never sure how I am going to feel on these early coaching days ... but today with a consistency of ETP under my belt, I am in great shape. 

Up at 4am always leaves my CNS a little off and with the 2:30am wake up call on Sunday followed by long drive/long run/long drive ... I thought for sure I was in for a slump, but took my OmegaWave measurement after the 5:30 class and confirmation that I was in 'GOOD' readiness mode. That means ok to lift but a crazy long met con would be bad. Perfect for today's programming.

Warm up
5x5 Tire flips

Indian Clubs @ 1#
3x15 Pendulum
Shield Cast 3x10
Front Swing DBL 3x20
Shield Cast Alt 3x20

1RM Backsquat PR!! @ 173#
Slow & steady progress. I enjoy lifting at CFA Roseville because the weights are fully colored and glorious!

1RM Press @ 73# 
Holding steady here, ready to go up, maybe the Indian Clubs will offer some help over time.

20 DB Walking Lunges
10 T2B
100M Overhead Carry @ 75#

Straight up CrossFit day. Finished it off with 3 hours of Swim clinic coaching and I am anxious to get in the water myself!

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