Moving toward an age of revealing!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Full Effort

“Full effort is full victory.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Take it (responsibility). Give it (full effort). Reap it (full victory). 

Thinking today would be a rest day with a little bell work (happy my KB class is back on the schedule), the day rolled from morning to afternoon in a blur. I was anxious. 

Research on top of consults left me with many questions in many areas of many topics. This topped with a lingering question I began to ask myself late last night, why? What is the purpose? If I am going to give my Full Effort, what is the driver? Yes, I want to be generally prepared, yes, I want to train for 'life'. Yes, healthy, strong, lean. In this season of my life, I am sensing there is something else to train for. No, I am not interested in competing with my master class at weekend endeavors right now. No, I don't need to be better than anyone else or out work the younger generation, but I do need to find where my best is and keep striving and reaching not for more but to break limits.

Clearly restless I trekked into town a little early for my class and dove into my 5x5. I had planned to run it in the morning, but with a schedule change for family balance, I will also be coaching until 11am and wanted to be sure not to let time slip by as can happen on a new day and routine. I am committed to this program and finding out where it will take me. Contemplating the full length, I am a good 4 weeks in. Starting to feel the wight, failing on the upper body, looking at the program to reassess rather than look away with defeat. I will incorporate this weeks CFA L2 programming, some focused skill work and snatch technique ;), which yes, makes me smile. 

Warm up
Basic StrongLifts B 5x5 warm up with each lift
  • Backsquat 135 - was anxious for this weight and it felt good. Last set better than the second ;)
  • OHPress - software had me at 55# and I took it. Work in this area has begun. Ugh.
  • Deadlift - 135# - yeah! One set is a tease.

Evolution Kettlebell Groundwork
BW L1 work - 4 movements, perfect for post lift and focus

3 RNDs
10 Med-ball pike
10 Lunge stretches
1 TGU each side
10 Goblet squats

KB Work
5 RNDs
10 KB Pwr swings @40kg
10 KB Cleans - 5 each side @16kg
10 Close grip push ups
10 Superman rolls
10 Hollow rocks

I honor the harmony of my body and emotions.

Fitness Is...

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