The ride continues ;).
Finding myself a little out of balance with life, I wasn't prepared for this week's training to begin. I wanted to shuffle around the 4 day training week, but another travel weekend will make this very difficult. So, surrender! It ended up being a very fun morning and I am pleased.
Warm up
Run 1 mile - broken into 4x400 because, ugh, I was not into it!
10 KB Swing 20kg between runs
3 RNDs
5 bfly pull up
10 Push up broken up again 5 diamond/5 dive bomber
15 reverse sit ups - kind like having this option. I'd do GHD if in the box
20 squats - and that is where I felt Hogsback trail from Saturdays hike!
Opted for Handstands & pistol on the KB work
10 minutes Alt RNDs
Happy that I can still 1 hand handstand, but left side was much harder. Got up on the KBs for handstand holds. Yay!
Pistols on the bell were good, again left side was weaker and holding :30 needed focus. I was hoping not to have my back as rounded but I realize I am not going for flat either. Have to play with it. So glad I did these today. Good for the soul in some way.
Because of the group class coming in, I had to hit the heavy bag early. We'll see how this impacts energy for the rest of the session.
Conditioning - Boxing sequence
4 RNDs - went 2:30 w/:30 rest today - Needed to get some aggression out
50 body punches & 5 R/L kicks (getting a bit higher and crisp!) every RND
Deadlift 195# 5x2
I don't think that I could have hit 3 reps today. This felt heavy but okay. Need to hook up to the BioForce and check in on my HRV. I really needed the weekend rest. All in all, pleased.
Just felt like playing a little.
5 RNDs
5 tire flips
5 R/L Figure 8 to Hold
5 Sandbag cleans@ 30# shrugs baby!
10 Sandbag step ups on tire
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