Moving toward an age of revealing!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


“You are the only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life.” 
~ Les Brown

Day started of with great promise!

I woke up stiff, luckily it was a quick drink of water and back for 2 hours of wonderful sleep. Early alarm, but felt much better on second rise.

First squat on deck was a reminder, yesterday was a gem ... after some ROM with the team I was much better, felt like if I kept circulating it would pass quickly. Short consults today, so sitting was minimal and headed down to the box to get my sled on! I was really anticipating this one today.

Couple of rope climbs, might was well while I am around them.
Half Crow Progression - tough but progressing

Jumped right into class which was the right call and parallel programming today.
FLoor Press w/4second eccentric 
5x3 @95# all sets - last few reps of last set was a push, little rush, nice

EMOTM 10 minutes
Split Jerk @95# - should have gone heavier, just cautious after yesterday, form nailed!

Attempt @ 3RFC
200M OHCarry w/chains - no clips, dumped the bumpers after 1 RND, made it 2 RNDs before I couldn't keep the chains from falling off, it was either my core too wobbly by now or positioning or sweat or damn, that is just frickin' hard!  I couldn't keep cleaning and have the chains slipping, so called it good and moved on. Will attempt a repeat tomorrow for completion.
10 Strict Pull up - not from hang today but from full extention
20 GHD Sit ups - miss this!

Went to load the sled and crud! No sled, whaaaat?! It was there on Friday. How did I not see this when I entered?!

Ok. So, get to coaching and get a new plan. Really looking for that burn at the end of the day. Too late to run it in Cool. Feeling a bit let down. All is well. Focus on food and tomorrow.

My last class was pumped so it really was a good end to the day. Thanks guys!

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